Privacy Policy
Last updated on 17-Dec-2022


Where does your data go?

This app is a CLIENT for your account, and so every single piece of data entered or collected by it is transmitted to the API server at "". The singular purpose of this app is to communicate data to for the purposes of maintaining and modifying your account with them. Some data is kept locally on your device, but it is stored in an area of the phone accessible only to the app. None of your data is ever transmitted to a third party, nor is it accessible to PC Ability.

What do we do with your email address and password?

The app requests your email address (along with a password) as part of the log-in process at This email address and password is used solely to log you into your account at and is stored locally to allow the app to automatically login to the server each time it is launched. This address and password is stored in an area of the phone accessible only to the app, and it is not shared with any third party entity, and is not accessible by PC Ability.

How do we protect your information?

Beyond sending all of your data to, no data is ever transmitted to a third party, nor to PC Ability.

Why do we ask for access to make phone calls?

This access is required to allow the app to place calls on your behalf via an installed VoIP client, or via your cellular service provider. This access is used solely for this purpose, and only when you initiate it.

Why do we ask for access to your contacts?

Contacts are read for the purpose of matching up call information with contact names. Contact information is sometimes transmitted to in the normal course of maintaining your account, and only at your discretion. Contact information is never sent to any other parties, including PC Ability.

Why do we ask for access to your microphone?

The microphone is used to allow you to make recordings for the express purpose of uploading them to Recordings are used in various VoIP functions, such as voicemail greetings, etc. The app stores these recordings locally and uploads them to, but does not pass them along to any other entity, nor does PC Ability have access to them.

Do we use cookies?

We do not use cookies.

Changes to this privacy policy

PC Ability reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by notifying its users on this page. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the top of this page.

Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.

Steve Punter

PC Ability
4342 Forest Fire Lane,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
L4W 3P4